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Remote Tuning

What is Custom Remote Tuning?

Remote custom tuning is a process where Tuning Tech FS is able to adjust the engine management system of a vehicle without it being physically present. Instead, we communicate with the vehicle's electronic control unit (ECU) or engine control module (ECM) remotely, typically via speciality data logging software and cable that is read using the cars OBD port. Once these parameters are read, we are then able to build an optimum custom performance tune.  Custom remote tuning provides the flexibility of getting a Tuning Tech FS tune from anywhere in the world.  All you need is a laptop, internet access, our software and cable. 

Our custom tunes are proven and guaranteed to improve your vehicle’s performance and drivability.  We offer remote tuning for BMW, Porsche, Mercedes, Toyota/Lexus, Range Rover, American muscle, and more.

Please email us or call 410-972-1997 for more information.